Awan Uganda

Theory of change

Theory Of Change

Our theory of Change is guided by four Pillars:

  1. Women Economic Inclusion in Agribusiness: This includes data base and profiling, targeted advocacy, lobbying on policy affecting agri-business, blended finance, training on financial management, mentoring and coaching and creating strong linkages with financial investment
    institutions and companies that have innovative approach to financing for SMEs.
  2. Market Linkages: We focus on information sharing on existing and new markets, organise B2B and Trade fairs, buyers and sellers markets, online market forums, cross exposure and establishing alliances with private agri-business companies
  3. Technology and Agrit-tech: We are in the process of establishing AWAN members portal – a repository for information about mechanization, soil testing, tools for quality control, providing access to E-Commerce etc.
  4. Trade: We focus on facilitating trade at national, regional and international level. Women entrepreneurs are supported on standards and certifications, INCO Terms, branding and marketing, logistics and supply chains.